March To Do List

You can check out how I did in February by clicking here.

So, we're in the month of March, one of my favourite months of the year. Spring is on its way, the evenings are getting lighter, the sun comes up a little earlier in the mornings and in about a months time I'll be home in Cornwall. Oh and also the little detail that I'm 20 this month!!

Everyone seems to fear turning twenty and hate the idea of it but I'm actually excited and happy to be turning 20. I hope to leave my teenage years behind and continue to grow up and love the person I am more and more every day. Unfortunately, not everyone's growing up when they turn 20 so I can't totally avoid the drama of teenage years, but I can try my best to stay out of it!

Before I do my plans for March, I thought I'd give you a little fundraising update:

Above is how I'm getting on so far. I've over doubled both my donations and my total raised since my last fundraising update which you can view here. I'm nearly half way there with my total and if you fancy helping me out and giving me that little push to reach the half way mark, I'll send you virtual hugs for a year! Click here to do a good deed!

Now, onto my March to do list:

Raise £150 for Thailand
I've worked out that to reach my target by June, I need to fundraise about £100 a month. But going over my target won't hurt! 

Remember my birthday
Now, this may sound like a weird thing to whack on a 'to do' list but when you've in the past drank to the extent I have, you learn from your mistakes. Well you think you do anyway, but you can't really remember the mistakes you made because you were so drunk, but they normally involve being unreasonably stroppy with your boyfriend, ditching your best friend and others because you're being drunk and dramatic, and just making a total fool of yourself. So, this year, I want my birthday to be something worth remembering. I'm choosing to avoid the SU and therefore lots of people buying my free birthday drinks, and instead have a good night out in town with my close pals followed by a civilised lunch out the day after. All I have to do is remember it.

Send off my letters to trusts
So I've managed to write up some letters now, not many but I've done it quite late into the year and many trusts only meet at certain times so I've missed the deadlines. But I need to print and post the ones I spent carefully writing yesterday and keep my fingers crossed for some good news and generous donations! Wish me luck! 

Send off for my passport
It's another thing that's all written up and ready, I just need to take some mugshots and then send it on it's way so that I can actually go to Thailand in July.

Make another attempt at selling my clothes online
I don't know whether I'll actually do this because I go home in April and if anyone tries to buy my clothes, I won't have them with me as they'll be up at uni. But maybe I'll put a few little things on that you may all enjoy. It's all for charity remember!

I started this challenge because I quite liked having themes to post about every day, especially ones that deviated from what I would usually post. But now I actually have to keep posting every day (well today I've managed 3 posts in one day, aren't you lot spoilt!). I've already written up quite a few of the days as I have deadlines approaching, so hopefully I'll manage this.

Run at least one 10k on the treadmill weekly
Currently at the gym I usually do a 3-4k about three or four times a week, so I'm managing to do my 10k altogether, but in May I don't think the organisers of The Great Manchester Run will allow me to spread my run across the week, so I've really got to push myself when it comes to my training. I've woken up today with a bad knee injury, probably caused by pushing myself, but hopefully that will heal in the next few days and I can attempt at least one 10k this week! For me to actually run a 10k will be so impressive. 

So, that's that for the time being. I hope March will be a good month, I've hopefully got my best friend from back home visiting again for my birthday, I've got plans coming together for the day and only a month until I get to see my family again! 

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