Liebster Award!

I'm not entirely sure how many of these lovely motivational awards I've received now, but I always appreciate them! Thank you very much to Claire from Dainty Ghosts and Amy from Everything & Amy! If you don't know what the Liebster Award is, here's a tidy little summary from Claire:

'It's a friendly blogger token that's given to a newbie blogger that has less than 200 followers, just to give them the confidence of finding their feet in the blogging world!'

Though I'm not a newbie blogger, I've still got a lot to learn! I may not have an abundance of followers, but I'm near to 40,000 views already thanks to all the lovely people at my uni who read my blog and my friends, family and those who follow me!

So, here are the the rules:
You must link back to the person who nominated you.
You must state 11 facts about yourself.
You must answer the questions given to you.
You must nominate 11 other bloggers and create 11 questions for them to answer.
You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
You must tell the nominees that you have nominated.

Now, I'm gonna bend the rules a little for this! All the people I would love to nominate have quite recently written up their own post about the Liebster Award, and rather than request they make up a new post which I know from experience takes quite a lot of effort, I'm instead going to include the bloggers I have come across recently whom I love (some of these bloggers have more than 200 followers so I'm not nominating anyone for the award, I'm just showing my appreciation for their lovely blogs!). And I'm just a little rebel.

Rather than have 11 facts, check out this post for 30! Because I can't think of any new ones!

5 Questions from Amy:
1. Do you think you have to be a creative person to have a blog?
In all honesty, I believe it helps, very much. I'm not a majorly creative person but I follow many bloggers who are. They join in with craft link ups, have etsy shops or show off their creations. Other creative bloggers are amazing with blog design and that definitely helps. If I were more creative I feel as though my blog would be better!
2. Would you rather spend money on beauty products or clothing?
I initially thought clothing, but beauty products includes so many things when you really think about it. And clothes make you look good, but beauty products make you look amazing. From hair care products, to moisturisers, nail polish and make up! Beauty products also help to make you look good naked, so without clothes you'll be sorted!
3. What do you do when you're not blogging?
Watch netflix, go to the gym, chat downstairs with my housemates over a cup of tea and a biscuit, spend time with my boyfriend, catch up on Don't Tell the Bride, do university work, tweet to my hearts content and count my penny collection (amongst other things).
4. What is something that can instantly put you in a good mood?
5. Have you ever been in love?
Yes I have indeed, and I am. 

5 Questions from Claire:
1. Do you prefer cats of dogs?
Doggies. I do love cats because they're nice to snuggle but dogs make me feel safe. I was bitten by my own dog in the face when I was younger (so it may confuse you why dogs make me feel safe) so dogs do scare me a little but, I knew my pooch didn't mean to hurt me so I'll always love dogs! And when I'm home alone having a dog makes me feel loads better!
2. If you had a time machine, what would you use it for?
I'd go back to the past, to see what life was like and meet family members I never had the chance to get to know.
3. Confess something!
I'm scared of the dark...
4. Which super power would you most like to have?
I would say flying because it'd get me to places quicker and that would be so much easier, but I haven't yet discovered if I'm scared of flying or not. So I'm going to go with invisibility. Not only could you play hilarious jokes on people, but it'd be a great escape sometimes, when you just need to be completely alone with your thoughts.
5. What is your favourite item in your wardrobe at the moment?
Honestly, I don't think I have one. I love a pair of high waisted jeans I wear lots, but other wise I hate my wardrobe and it's upsetting that I can't really afford to have a clear out, because I wouldn't be able to buy anything to replace it all!

My favourite new (or recent) blogger discoveries:
Oh, Miss B
Becca's Wonderland
Little Paper Swans
New Girl in Toon
The Emerald Dove
Glitter and Cookies

If any bloggers I've mentioned above would like to accept the Liebster Award (bar those who have more than 200 followers) here are my 11 questions:
What's one thing you couldn't live with out?
If you could have any pet in the world as an animal, what would you have?
You're given the option to have a holiday, all expenses paid for, where would you go?
What do you do to relax?
How did you chose your blog name?
What's your 'go to' clothing shop?
What's your favourite song of all time?
How would you describe your dream home?
Where's your favourite place in your home country?
What's your favourite TV programme?
How important is social media to you?

Thank you again to the two lovely girls Claire and Amy who nominated me!


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