A Day in the Life of Issy

Day 12: Bullet your whole day 

Now I can't promise you a fun filled day of student antics because I'm stuck inside with no choice but to be a boring student and tap away at my keyboard writing marginally intelligent comments about F. Scott Fitzgerald and Anna Katherine Green, but nonetheless, in the hope something interesting may come of my day, you shall be receiving my bulleted stream of events.

(8:30) My boyfriend and I woke up early as always, though he commented that it was simply too late and we needed to get to the gym, but I had other ideas. Not like that you cheeky chappys. I was straight up, put on some dirty socks due the fact that no one mops the floor in the kitchen and it's disgusting (ah student life) - and got to making a very Cornish breakfast, identical to what we'd had for pudding the night before...

...but I wasn't complaining. Mmmm scones.

(10:56) Alas, after such a glorious start to the day, it's gone down hill. After switching between every possible social media outlet several times only to find nothing had changed in the last 30 seconds, I have no choice but to crack on with my essays...the struggle is real.

(11:19) The struggle really is real right now. I've hit 845 words on one of my essays but it's all over the place. Though at least it's not stuck on 55 words like the other one. An abundance of coffee is required already, I keep going cross eyed staring at passages from books I haven't even read and searching for synonyms and online definitions.

(11:28) A burst of inspiration came and went. My other essay now stands at 133 words. I've still got twenty four and a half hours until the dead line...of both. I've totally got this.

(11:39) I've temporarily given up. Now I'm swinging side to side on my desk chair singing along to Laura Marling, do join me.

This song just never gets old for me. I love the lyrics and her voice is just fabulous.

(12:23) I'm not entirely sure what I've accomplished since the last update. I haven't moved from my chair, or written a single word more. I keep staring longingly at the sunshine outside, reminding myself that at the end of this week I shall be free...for a short while.

(12:54) The essay writing has taken a turn for the better with the support of Nina and Ben (Nesbitt and Howard that is). I've written some kick ass things criticising Braddock Washington from 'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz' - it's one of the few things on my mahoosive reading list that I've actually read, and I would recommend it! My coffee is half empty and I'm feeling slightly more inspired, so on I must go. Wish me luck!

(13:27) My inspiration turned into interest about the cost of my flights to Thailand. I haven't had the money to buy them yet (sad face) and expect them to be pricey. To my delight I found one for £818 that flies from London to Bangkok, and then I change over to go to Chiang Rai. Now, from my point of view this is the best thing for me considering I've never flown and don't want to be faffing around in random airports around the world. The panic is beginning to set in. On another note I've got a bad pain in my right arm when I type...can this be considered as an extenuating circumstance for extra time?

(14:00) After searching through flights I decided to check the news. The BBC kindly decided to compile this list titled '10 Other Mysterious Aviation Disasters'. Well at least my panic about being in random airports around the word doesn't matter now, I've got bigger fish to freak out about...that's the saying right?

(14:24) I'm faced with an entirely new struggle; I have to put a bra on to go to Sainsbury's...first world problems at an all time high. My lovely boyfriend's offered to do a food shop for me whilst he's out in town, after travelling over an hour for a placement that he spent 15 minutes at (they just asked him to look at some papers then said he could go, he's not remotely impressed). Though in my shopping list he refused to buy me some 'lady products' so I have to make the journey myself...why must males get embarrassed?

(15:34) So my trip to Sainsbury's was eventful in the dullest way possible. First off; it's not nearly as warm out there as people have been making out! I chose to where my 'pretty little sunshine shoes' and apparently they have absolutely no support, I may as well of been walking bare foot. Secondly, and be honest now, do I look like a serial killer when I smile? I know my smile's only a diddy one (that's mainly because I'm like Chandler in that episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S ' 'The One with the Engagement Picture' and lack the ability to smile properly in front of a camera).

(Can I just note I don't always look this shit? I haven't had the chance to do my make up properly and my hair is never usually scraped back this much!)

Because no one in Stoke and the surrounding areas will smile back at me, they always just stare at the ground as if averting my gaze will stop me from pulling a knife on them. Cheer up folk of Stoke, I know it's hard considering well, where we are, but it's not all bad, the sun's out!

(17:40) My boyfriend's arrived with food, and in a suit. Him in a suit just makes my day.

(18:00) My essays are almost done, but they're definitely not my best. I'm predicting my first 2:2's of the year, which is really going to disappoint me but I'll have to try harder in the long essays. Time for food!

(19:53) My essays are finished! And my boyfriend looks bored as hell wrapped up in my duvet on the floor next to me playing games on his phone. It's lucky for him that I haven't had to pull an all nighter like I used to do!

(21:42) I've just had an amazing relaxing massage from my lovely boyfriend and now we're falling asleep. I've no idea how I used to go out 3 nights a week, because I'm always knackered in the evening now. Nighty night lovelies.

I hope you enjoyed a lengthy day in the life of Issy!

This post is part of my 30 Day Writing Challenge, check it out here.

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