As many of you will know when you become a student, you'll benefit greatly from getting yourself a student bank account. As a way to help you decide which bank will best suit your needs, I've condensed the most popular student accounts in to this here post, because I feel like being lovely.
Banks often change what they offer with a student bank account yearly, so this is correct for the 2014-2015 student bank accounts.
I'll only cover the basics of what each student account offers, to see more click on the banks name.
Mobile, internet and telephone banking
Debit card
Interest-free overdraft of up to £1000 in your first year, £1250 in second year and £1500 in third year
Fraud and suspicious activity alerts
Tastecard membership
Emergency cash
Mobile, internet and telephone banking
Debit card
Interest-free overdraft of up to £1500 in years one to three and up to £2000 in years four to six
Lloyds bank student credit card (Remember to read into this thoroughly though!)
Lloyds bank student credit card (Remember to read into this thoroughly though!)
Mobile, internet and telephone banking
Personalised contactless debit card
Interest-free overdraft of up to £2000 for the length of your course
Maximum overdraft of £3000 (over £2000 8.9% interest pa)
Mobile, internet and telephone banking
Contactless debit card
Instant £500 interest-free overdraft at account opening
Interest-free overdraft of up to £3000
Credit interest on first £1000 in your account
£60 Amazon voucher
£60 Amazon voucher
Mobile and online banking
Contactless debit card
Interest-free overdraft of up to £1500 in years one to five and £2000 in year five
4 year 16-25 Railcard
Mobile, internet and telephone banking
Personalised debit card
Interest-free overdraft for the length of your course and for an extra year after you graduate
Commisson-free foreign currency and traveller's cheques
They literally do everything
Online and telephone banking
Debit card
Interest-free overdraft of up to £1400 in year 1 and £2000 in year 3
Your choice of student account is really dependant on you, so choose wisely!
Note: In most cases you'll have to activate your overdraft, this will usually entailing visiting your bank, making an overdraft request and them assessing whether or not you'll get one. In most cases, you will.
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