Inspired by Charlie from CharlieEterna I thought I'd join in with 'The Autumn Tag' post created by Georgina from Makeup Pixi3. September has approached fast, and whilst I do love the summer, there's something about Keele that just fits the autumn season, and I'm in the mood to get all cosy and have a movie marathon - I'll just pretend that's not what I do all year round.
Favourite thing about autumn?
In all honesty, I love cuddling up in bed or on the sofa any time of year cause I'm disgracefully lazy, but in autumn, the temperature's not too hot and not too cold, so I can cuddle up on the sofa without any judgement or I can take a walk outside when the leaves are all golden and the skies are beautifully foggy without high risk of getting rained on or breaking a sweat. I find it a really peaceful season. And it also means Halloween is fast approaching!
Favourite drink?
As freshers week is around the corner and both the sleepy season and the busy beginnings of semester one loom, there's nothing a student style 'Irish coffee' can't fix - basically, make yourself up a cup of coffee and pour an unsuitable amount of vodka in it (alas making it more so a Russian coffee), you'll be set up for the night - don't drink this in the morning though kids. Other than that, a hot chocolate is always an autumn favourite.
Favourite scent/candle?
I don't think I've been near a lit candle since being home last Christmas (halls don't allow them - first world problems and all). Aside from the scent of candles, I love the smell of a blackberry and apple crumble cooking...or do they make that as a scented candle?
Best lipstick?
I'll be blunt with this and say that I look like a total tit when I wear lipstick...not a literal boob though, okay.
Best moisturiser?
All year round I stick to my tried and tested Cocoa Butter moisturiser.
Colour on the eyes?
I'm a bore when it comes to changing up my make-up, I'd love to be able to suit a more natural look, but all year round my eyes are framed in a dark mist of black eye liner and a grey/black eye shadow.
Favourite music/band?
As I've grown up I've come to lose my desire to listen to music 24/7 and I barely manage to keep up with the weekly releases, so seasonally my music change is the same as it was 5 years ago.
Favourite outfit to wear?
I love autumn outfits, they're just so bloody cosy! I do like a nice dress or skirt - and if it's warm enough a cute dress, tights and some chunky boots look amazing. Though in winter I can wear jeans all the time without people asking me if I'm overheating every time I start sweating an inexcusable amount when I foolishly wear jeans in blistering sunshine. Autumn is the season for skinny jeans, big woolly jumpers or cosy cardigans, beautiful chunky boots and some funky fluffy socks. When winter comes I look less cosy and more like a sheep, I feel the cold a lot.
Autumn treat?
Food wise, I treat myself daily. But clothing wise, this month it was these:
Favourite place to be?
There's two places I love to be when it's autumn; either cosy in bed with a film and some food, or out in the woods early in the morning when the air's brisk, even better if the beach is close.
What do you love most about autumn?
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