On another lonely day, waking up late, watching Big Bang Theory and pondering whether or not to make use of the hours before Matt returned home after a 'hard' day at his internship, I decided to take a lonely adventure into town. And this adventure, I had decided, was going to make me look as if I truly were a model student.
With an A4 sized list of books for my course in hand I strolled in and out of every charity shop and book store Newcastle-under-Lyme had to offer, with the odd judgement here and there from Stokey chavs, I genuinely enjoyed my lonesome day out. Whilst the most I found were 2 books - 1 only actually being for my course - and 6 shot glasses (I'm sure my housemates will appreciate it), I had a cracking day being all lonely and what not.
One of the books I decided to buy was Student Survival Guide by two Cardiff undergrad students - it was a bargain 99p and I was intrigued. Though it seemed hypocritical buying this book when I boast my knowledge of student life upon this here blog, it's a surprisingly interesting read.
The part I found most hilarious, despite its mostly informative content, was the chapter on 'pulling'. It literally gives people tips on how to pull, I personally would never include this on my blog because my single drunken self is just disastrous - sometimes successful but the men aren't exactly remotely 'catches' and I don't think anyone wants or needs tips on how to kiss sleazy men. In this book, they've asked fellow students to give them their personal pulling tips, and some of these students, you've gotta worry about it...
'Go out in drag - I find it helps'
'Make sure they're not male - an adams apple is sometimes the only real way of telling'
'Wear easy access clothing - I recommend Velcro'
Well, I guess she pulled?
'The only true way of winning a girl is by getting her pissed'
These particular student specimens are clearly not the epitome of success when it comes to pulling. I truly hope you guys can do better than that...all hilarious suggestions welcome.
And please freshers and those on the prowl in the forthcoming weeks, don't use any of the above techniques. Especially the Velcro, never wear Velcro.
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