A to Z Challenge: Y

Y is for Years

Firstly, how fast is 2013 going? I can't get my head around the fact I've almost finished my first year of university, I know the summer will fly by and I'll be moving into our new house in Newcastle-Under-Lyme and getting down to a second year at Keele in no time.

I've been alive for a total of 19 years now, I can't believe that at all either. I've watched the world develop, I've seen huge and important events unfold, technology reach levels that I barely understand. I've seen people famous for the right and wrong reasons die, I've seen elections, riots and demonstrations, I watched the UK go in and out of recession and expenditures and budget cuts and university fees soar. And I'm only 19.

I've got years behind me now, and years and years ahead. I've got so much to look forward to and I hope I make myself and my family proud by utilising my years achieving the goals I desire.

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