Lately, I've been having to ask myself a lot of questions. Mostly to do with my life and decisions. I question where I'm going, what I want to do, was university the right choice?
If there's anything I'm exceptional at, it's being indecisive. When people can't decide between two shades of blue and call themselves indecisive, I just laugh and think 'You have no idea.' I've always had a problem with decisions. I don't really have a favourite of anything: be it band, singer, colour, drink, actor...there's too many choices. When it comes to a career, I can't make a choice for the path I want at all. It's really frustrating for me, especially now I'm 19, my first year of university is almost over and I still have very little direction in life, and I'm no way near close to coming to a decision.
When I make a decision, I question my choice several times over, and my conclusion usually rests in someone else's hands. I have to run my decisions by someone else, be it family, friend or my boyfriend. Such decisions have been small, like an item of clothing, and other's have been huge, like my decision to come to university or not. You see where it becomes an issue?
Source: Google images
I do believe it's right, to 'question everything', but once is quite enough in my case. By questioning my decisions and always needing support from another, it shows how little belief I have in myself. I hope soon, I find my path and I stop questioning myself and the decisions I've made in the past.
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