The Times They Are A-Changing

It's almost the end of week 7 now and I've come to realise how much me life truly has changed.

I came here in a relationship, and now I'm happily single and really enjoying myself. I came here with a bunch of strangers, now they're my family. I came here having been no where in the country, now I live in a different county and I've briefly explored Manchester and Birmingham. I also came here with money, which is slowly dwindling away!

This time last year I was struggling to write a personal statement, and actually was thinking of not going to university at all. I didn't have much desire to what so ever, with a few suggestive pushes towards it I gave in. By the time I applied for uni I honestly did want to go, but I don't know if I would have done it with out the chats with my now ex-boyfriend, his Mum - who very kindly helped me with my application, which I'm very grateful for - my own parents and my college personal tutor. I'm glad I made the decision I did, despite how much this has changed my life, I can't really see any negatives to what it's changed.

Some may see that university made my relationship fall apart, but to be honest, I'm so much happier even after just one week. Long distance wasn't for us. I haven't left anyone behind either, I've just gained a block full of people and others around this whole university that I know I'll be friends with for at least these three years, but I hope more. I also look forwards to when my friends from back home come up and stay, I know they'd really fit in with everyone up here!

We're past the half way mark now, only 5 weeks left before I go back home to Cornwall and I'm really looking forward to seeing my family again and more importantly to have a blooming roast dinner. And a big yummy Christmas one too!

When I return home I really hope to get some work if I have the time, I can't say my spending is perfect going out three nights a week - which I haven't this week quite proudly - and I shan't be carrying this on either.

Every week I've had here has been brilliant, even last week despite what happened on Thursday night with my ex-boyfriend, it didn't take me long to recognise the positives and realise that he'd be happier too, and I'm sure that's what we both want for each other.

I'm here at university for two things; to learn and to have a really good time, both of which (I hope) I'm doing.

Despite how much my life has changed, how it's changed is something that I would not change for the world. I'm so happy to be here, with the people I'm with at this university which I love and I seriously do recommend the place. It seems all a bit 'lame' to say, but right now I'm in the best place in my life, my happiest point, and I'm glad I made the decision to come here. I really hope everyone else is having the experience I'm having (:

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