Just a Bit Broken

He'll probably never read this, so I really don't mind posting it...

Back in September I posted that I was now in a long distance relationship, and I thought it seemed only right to let all my readers know that this is no longer the case. We've spent a good seven weeks apart and it put a real strain on our relationship, we rarely talked because we were busy with the new lives we had stepped into.

The main problem we had with our relationship was that in Cornwall it worked, at uni, it doesn't. But I'm proud to say that we tried. We were together for just over 2 years and 5 months, and I loved every minute of it with him. And I feel no anger towards him or the situation that it didn't work out, I wouldn't want to turn something that made over 2 years of my life amazing, into something bad.

We always said that if we did break up we really hoped to remain friends, and whether this will truly happen or not, I can't say at this moment in time, but we were so close and I wouldn't want to lose him completely.

The hardest thing will be returning home, where my house is where we used to spend time together, sitting in the front room, watching films all day. Everything about Cornwall makes me think of our relationship, where it started and where we tried hard not to let it end, and it didn't there.

I think we both felt practically the same about our relationship at uni, we do lead different lives now and they just weren't linking together any longer. Distance is so tough to deal with and the easiest thing for us was to except that it wasn't working out. I feel upset, but not to an extreme extent because I knew it was going to happen.

We were never naive about our relationship, we never said 'I hope it lasts forever' but rather 'I hope it lasts for as long as it's meant to'. We got together at the age of 15 and 16, which is so young and to stay together as long as we did is a pretty amazing thing. We had so many ups and downs, but we worked through them all. But the physical distance between us was something we just couldn't work around.

I'm happy to say I had a long term relationship that we decided deserved a try at long distance, and I have no regrets about our relationship together.

We're both at a new chapter in our lives now...

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