Listography: Six Songs of Me

I haven't joined in on one of Kate Takes 5's listography's for a while now, and I thought it was about time I did!

1. What was the first song you ever bought?

It seems ridiculous considering I'm only 18, but I honest to God can't remember. Where on earth did my memory go?

2. What song always gets you dancing?

If I'm drunk, anything. But otherwise, 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' by Cyndi Lauper. This also happens to be one of my sisters favourites! If not that then The Killers 'Mr Brightside' is always a good one!

3. What song takes you back to your childhood?

Witch Doctor - Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing. Because it was always played at our school discos in primary school and the birthday parties when we were very very young!

4. What is your perfect love song?

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of love songs, but the song I'd probably have as the first dance at my wedding would quite likely be 'Wouldn't it Be Nice' by The Beach Boys. Seems like a perfect love song to me!

5. What song would you want at your funeral? 

Most definitely 'Time of Your Life' by Green Day. It's a brilliant song that I have loved since the first time I heard it. And I'm so sure that I will have the time of my life, so far it's been pretty peachy, and I hope it's only going to get better. There's plenty of different readings people can get from this song, but mines a positive one. 

6. Time for the encore. One last song that makes you you. 

Oh goodness, this is a toughy. It's hard to pick just one (I've re-written this paragraph a good five times now) but 'Swing Life Away' by Rise Against. I hadn't really heard of them before I started going out with my now ex-boyfriend almost 2 and a half years ago now, but it's a brilliant song. I used to always panic about the future, but now I tend to live in the now, mainly thanks to him, I'm just swinging life away. 

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