A little while back I was nominated for my first Liebster Award and now I've been nominated for my 2nd by the lovely Dany over at Bluebells & Owls, and my 3rd by Kirsten at Black Coffee and Cigarettes. Thank you very much to these two wonderful bloggers for these awards, it's very much appreciated by me and my little blog!
So here are the questions from Dany - well picked ones I might add - and my answers:
1. If you could go back in time, would you choose a specific era in History? If so which one and why?
Well...I think I'd most like to see what the 60's were like. I don't know what it is about the 60's that I like, I know of course all the bad stuff that was going on but I love the style, the 60's hair is just amazing! Maybe Austin Powers has really made it appeal to me?
2. What do you like to do on a Sunday evening?
Preferably, watch The Walking Dead! It's the perfect way to end the week!
3. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Invisibility. So many cheeky things you could do!
4. What do you like most about blogging?
Toughy...I like that it's a place I can share my experiences.
5. Name two of your life goals.
Crikey...erm the first is definitely to travel...but the second, I don't really know.
6. Do you speak any other language?
The tinniest bit of Japanese, but I honestly couldn't construct a sentence...I'd love to attempt to learn at least one fluently!
7. One person, one question. Who and what would it be?
To my Mum and Dad...why did you name me Issy Goode?
8. What is/was your favourite subject at school?
Art...only because I adored my teacher, Mr Rainbow, the grooviest guy you'll ever meet! Miss him an awful amount. I also loved History, once again due to my teacher, Mr Thomas, he's such a wise and amazing man that I've always admired.
9. Is there any movie of book that has changed your life in a significant way?
Hmmm...not that I can think of!
10. What is your favourite holiday?
I haven't really been on many holidays, but my ideal holiday would be one when a lot of exploring could be done. I wouldn't want to go on a drinking holiday or spend all my time on the beach, there's so much to see in the world I just couldn't bare to confine myself to one area of a place.
11. Do you have a quote you live by?
I wouldn't say a quote as such, but I believe in doing what your love quite strongly.
And here are the brilliant questions from Kirsten:
1. How do you like your coffee?
Quite milky with two sugars :)
2. If you were a sandwich, what type of sandwich would you be? Why?
Italian BMT from Subway because I'd be delicious!
3. What is the strangest job you've ever done?
I haven't had that many jobs and the two I've done are quite normal!
4. If you could be invisible for a day, would you use your invisibility for good or for evil?
I think I'd just be cheeky and fly around the world for free or something! So good or evil you decide!
5. Other than invisibility, what skill or talent would you like to have?
Gosh, invisibility is the best! But, the ability to fly.
6. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
Hmm...I got a drink thrown in my face on a night out for spilling a drop on this guys 'new shoes'. That was quite embarrassing. Can't think of anything funny!
7. If you could commit one crime and get away with it, what would it be?
Robbing a bank. Oh the joys of money!
8. What is your favourite ice cream?
Mint choc chip.
9. If you could be a fictional character from film of literature, who would you be?
Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean would be pretty cool...providing you somehow manage to stay as beautiful as her, whilst still being a badass pirate.
10. What is your favourite song lyric?
'If love is the labour, I'll slave 'til the end'
11. If you could rule the world for a day, what would you change?
I don't think you could change a lot in just one day! Maybe attempt to do something about the corrupt governments around the world that steal money from the people who desperately need it.
Sorry that was so long! But now...
My nominees:
My Lovely Chaos
Perfect, I'm Yours.
Olivia's World
Stamping Lemons
Girl in Green
Is Anyone There?
Wallflower - Beauty and Babies
Carolina Eliza Fashion & Beauty
A Banana's Blog
Journal of a Teen
My nominees can find their questions here. Thank you again to Dany and Kirsten for the award and I hope all of my nominees will accept it!
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