In all honesty, I can be quite a self centred person from time to time (can't we all) and I love the idea of these heartfelt acts. You never realise how much you can brighten someone's day by doing the simplest of things. I've always admired my sister for this, she always thinks of the little things and I know every month she sends out gifts, and she absolutely loves crafty things, and swaps with people which will cheer them up or make them smile.
I've been quite grumpy lately about certain things, money being my main issue and the recent loss of my second phone this semester dampened my mood ever so slightly - though it was entirely my own fault. I'd love to take part in heartfelt acts because I know if I do something for someone, it'll cheer me up too. Every time I pop over to my boyfriend's house, I always bring him something, this something is always food, but I know he loves it every time I deliver something to him (he's just that simple to please, yay for a happy boyfriend!), and making him happy makes me happy.
I think often we take people we care about for granted, I know that since being at university I don't always consider what it's like for my family when I'm not there every day like I have been for the past 18 years. I don't keep in contact with them very well, and I'm rubbish at sending birthday cards home (I didn't even manage a mother's day card because I'm a terrible terrible daughter). I want to take part in this because not only will it make me realise how much the little things mean to people, but I think it will make me appreciate it too.
I feel it's a little too late to take part in this months heartfelt acts that Emmy and Janette have challenged us to do, so I'm going to start with next months:
1. Forgive someone.
2. Send a care package.
So off I go! Follow the links above to find out more and join in!
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