A to Z Challenge: V

V is for Versatile Award

I know, I know, this is a cheeky cheat for the A to Z Challenge, however, I was nominated for another lovely award by Dany over at her brilliant blog Bluebells and Owls. Thank you to Dany and please do head over to her fantastic blog!

So firstly;

The Rules:
1. You are to thank the person who nominated you (thanks again Dany!)
2. On your post, include a link to their blog.
3. Select 15 blogs you're recently discovered or follow regularly (I recently did nominations for the Liebster Award, so I may have to be cheeky here and cut the nominations down to 10!)
4. Nominate those bloggers for the Versatile Award by leaving a link on their page to let them know they've been nominated
5. List 7 things about yourself

My Nominations: 
(As I said above, I recently did 15 nominations for another award, so I'm going to stick to 10 this time around)
Jayde at Jaydeetc

7 Things About Me:
1. I love drinking gravy
2. I've trained under an 8th Dan Sensei in Shotokan Karate - and he was awesome
3. I'm scared of the dark and particularly nervous about ghosts/spirits
4. I've had red hair for over 3 years - with a few cheeky changes here and there, but always to return
5. I could never live alone
6. When I'm older I want a Pug and a Labrador
7. I would absolutely love to travel to so many places around the world

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