A to Z Challenge: T

T is for Time

So, it's already the 23rd of April and hasn't time flown by? It doesn't even feel that long ago that I started university and now I've nearly finished my first year!

When you go to uni, you really appreciate the time you spend back at home, something I know I didn't do whilst I was here everyday. You appreciate seeing your family every day, a kitchen and bathroom shared with only three other people rather than 30, a sofa, a Tv, a double bed! The more I list the more I want the holidays to slow down, though I do quite enjoy coming home for the holidays and then going back to uni for a few months.

Although whilst the time here has flown by, the month of May shall also fly by and I'll be back (and probably bored) in Cornwall in a matter of weeks. I do love Cornwall, but since leaving it, I don't really want to spend a lot of my summer down here. I know all I do is work my ass off (just like last summer) and miss out on having a good time.

So, I have plans to spend my time, saving some money and then using it to go around and visit a few of my friends. Whilst my boyfriend Matt is still stuck in Keele finishing off his Masters I hope to go visit and stay with him and at the same time spend some time with my friend Molly who lives in Stoke. I think it's important, whilst still young and free, to spend my time having as much fun as I possibly can!

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