The Hotel of Mum and Dad: Tips on How to Stay Sane

So, I've been living with my boyfriend's parents for around 3 weeks now and it's safe to say I've settled myself in. Now we've gone past the point of the initial move, I thought I'd share my tips on how to remain sane, and stay well liked within your new household, or how to keep your partner welcomed rather than simply seen another mouth to feed. 

Cook, clean and do all things helpful
Okay, not all things but here and there helping out is a way to earn your keep. If you're currently unemployed or awaiting to begin your job like my boyfriend and I then you're more than likely to have the time, now your studies are over, to help out a bit. If your partner's parents work long days, the last thing they'll want to come home to is a messy house. Try and be considerate. 

Show gratitude 
It's both good and important to show that you're grateful for the fact they're putting you up - whether they're your parents or not. You're more than likely to pay rent when you have a bit of cash flow, so whilst that isn't the case it's important to just slip in your please's and thank you's. I think this goes for living with you own parents too! Helping out shows you're grateful, but after every meal I always thank my boyfriend's mum for dinner (like I do my mum too, even when I've cooked it for that matter!) because I simply appreciate it. 

Keep things tidy
A messy room doesn't become as acceptable when you're in your twenties, and it may be hard to keep it clean now there's two of your stuffed into a room but who really wants to be told to tidy their room at 21? Because even though you're an adult, you're still living with parents. 

Find things to do
In between job hunting or waiting around for your job to commence it's good to find things to do beside pottering around the house. We go to the gym everyday and then often go somewhere for a walk. It's great for me too because it means I get to explore the area I'm now living in! The longer you lock yourself up inside, the more likely you'll start to find the place a little suffocating.

Do food shops and cook 
I've mentioned cooking but helping out here and there sometimes doesn't sate those cravings for independence. I love food shopping, and my boyfriend's mum is always extremely busy on the weekends doing various odds and ends that she finds it a chore, so we offer to go instead. Cooking is a similar situation so most nights I help out doing little bits or at least offer, or some nights we just do the dinner for everyone!

Don't be afraid of doing meals just for the two of you
My boyfriend's family eat much later than I'm used to so on occaisions we have cooked our dinner earlier, because no one else wanted theirs at that time. Other times we've had evening plans so just got on with ours. It's no harm to get on with it, you're adults and whilst some parents might enjoy treating you like children, for your own sanity and so you remember how to live independently it's good for you to do things just for the two of you on occasions.

Help out other members of the family
My boyfriend's family all live relatively near by and aren't absolutely huge in numbers like mine, so when someone calls for a helping hand we're there to offer it. Today we had the gruelling task (obviously joking, I can't express how in love I am with these boys) of checking in on these two critters whilst his Grandma went to lunch. Personally I find it a good way of getting to know the family and proving what a catch you are for their son/daughter etc. 

Meet Elvis and Billy, my new best friends.

I think that the most important thing when it comes to moving back in with your parents or moving in with someone else's is to just appreciate the money you're saving by doing so. It can drive you a little mad at times; the house may not be the way you want it, dinner might not be what you fancy that night, and you may not yet feel comfortable enough to slob out on the sofa for the entire weekend in your pj's with Netflix but really it's all a case of getting used to it, appreciating it and using it as an incentive to save up your money and move out. Let's be honest, parents like you around for a little while but often they quite enjoy the peace and quiet too! 

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