D is for Dissertation

So lately this word has been looming over me. People in seminars have been talking about what they're going to be doing, or asking lecturers to be their dissertation tutors and I've just been sat in silence, with inner screams going on in my mind.

So I took to the internet for some inspiration, and found some really hilarious and weird dissertation topics...

Love and sex with robots

Stuff people have got stuck up their bums

Do chickens prefer good looking people?

The possibility of unicorns

Does country music cause suicides?

How does navigating change a taxi driver's brain?

So basically, from finding these few and many other weird dissertation topics I've discovered that I needn't worry about my topic, because you can do literally anything. But then again, I don't think I'm inventive enough to do anything this weird, and often weird is what catches the attention of those poor lecturers who have to read stacks of 10,000 word dissertations.

Back to the drawing board I go...

What would you do a dissertation on?


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