I saw this 30 Day Writing Challenge over at Rosina's blog and thought it may be fun to try, as my inspiration to blog is lacking due to me being currently bogged down with short papers galore. I've changed some of the topics to something I thought I could write about easily, but to see the original list, click here!
Day 3 - Your views on drugs and alcohol
Day 4 - Your views on religion pancakes
Day 5 - The happiest memory of your life
Day 9 - (random post) Manchester
Day 12 - Bullet your whole day
Day 13 - Somewhere you would like to move or visit
Day 14 - Your earliest memory
Day 15 - Your favourite Tumblrs
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music
Day 17 - Your highs and lows of the past year
Day 18 - Your beliefs
Day 19 - Your fears
Day 20 - How important you think education is
Day 20 - How important you think education is
Day 21 - One of your favourite shows
Day 22 - How have you changed in the past two years?
Day 23 - Give pictures of five guys who are famous who you find attractive
Day 24 - Your favourite movie and what it's about
Day 25 - Someone who fascinates you and why
Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you?
Day 27 - A problem that you have had
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Goals for the next thirty days
Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month
I plan to start this on the 1st of March. I'm going to try my hardest to post everyday but my social life and degree may need me, and to add to all that, I also seem to be coming down with something! Throw sympathy at me whilst I slurp on soup.
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