Hopes and Expectations

The Student Room have been asking freshers to submit videos for their experience at university, and I thought why not? This weeks topic is 'Hopes and expectations.' So, if you want check out my short vlog and others from The Student Room, click here!

P.s excuse how my voice sounds on recordings, it's terribly squeaky!

As I said, the video is quite short, so I couldn't exactly get all my hopes and expectations into that one video, but I thought as my final final post (I say final twice because I was sure my morning post would be the last, but I couldn't resist one more) I could tell you more about my hopes and expectations of university.

My hopes
I said my overall hope in the video, but I also hope to make plenty of new friends, fit in well, go to America, enjoy my classes. I could go on, but I basically just hope Keele doesn't disappoint. I couldn't possibly express how much I want to go to America, and I really hope I do well enough to get that opportunity, because I'd kick myself forever if I didn't do well enough.

I also hope that I can actually do the course. This sounds weird, but I feel as if it's going to be a big step up from A levels, and also I did an English Language A level and I'm going to do an English Literature degree - in my personal statement I had to really show that I had enough knowledge and interest in literature to do the degree! The independent study will be huge in comparison to about 2 pieces of coursework that I had to do 'independently' at college, so I'm hoping I'll be able to deal with the different way of studying.

Another major hope of mine is that going to university will give me more direction in life, I have ideas of what I want to do, but nothing concrete and I hope university will give me that push in the right direction.

My expectations
I said in the video how high my expectations were, and I'm the one that's harnessing this mountainous  excitement. But everyone else have caused my expectations to be so high (it's not a bad thing!), I'm realistic and well informed about the work I'll have to do but I've also been told how fantastic uni is, people keep saying to me 'Oh you will love it!' and I'm truly hoping and expecting to!

I expect freshers to be so fun, to continuously meet new people during my time at Keele and hopefully make friends that I'll stay close to for years to come.

I'm certain that every one has plenty of hopes and expectations of uni, and if you want to share them feel free to head over to The Student Room and share your feelings of being a fresher! (The link I gave above will send you to the thread, and also at the bottom of the thread gives you some information about getting involved).

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