"If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up..."

Graduation appears to be fast approaching and whilst trying to fall asleep last night my head once more filled with everything it possibly could to remind me of the daunting prospect of my impending adulthood, and then I got to thinking, what are the things that're making me sad about growing up?

Splitting dinner bills equally
Whenever I went to dinner with my friends 'in my youth' busting out the calculator on our Motorola or Alcatel mobiles to split the bill exactly into what meals and drinks we had never seemed to be socially unacceptable. But, I always questioned why adults are so cool about just splitting it so everyone pays an equal amount? I went for a meal with my parents, auntie, Grandma and some family friends and all their meals were more expensive than mine and my parents, but everyone seemed cool about splitting it down the middle, even my parents, to which I scolded them for when we returned home. When I grow up, I hope my friends don't expect me to pay for their steak whilst I had a salad!

Losing summer holidays
Need I say anything about this point?

The fact that young people are living the life you once had
I feel accepting adulthood would be so much easier if we didn't have all these teenyboppers reminding us of the teenage faux pas we made, the under-age drinking (which I certainly don't condone) and the fun that came with being young. They also spend so much time on their social media accounts rubbing their 6 long weeks of summery bliss with their best chums in our wrinkling faces. Not just their summer, but also their impressive fashion sense. And why are no teenagers going through the awkward stages of beginning to wear make up? Most 14 year olds dress better and look older than I do. I still struggle to define my eyebrows in the morning without looking like a wilder-beast yet these girls and boys are out there looking like Abercrombie & Fitch models.

Liking olives
I despise these little oval things of dry salty disgusting death and I've always believed that with age comes taste buds that advance up the sophistication ladder. This has led me to assume that one day I'll also start to like things like ale, Stilton and red wine. God forbid.

Letting go of Netflix binging
I'm completely aware that adulthood certainly does not disallow Netflix binges, but when I get a job of my own I get the feeling that the Netflix account my brother-in-law pays for and allows me to use may not be so readily available with my student life behind me. Though there's always my mum's account to borrow during the first few months of being a graduate....


But if I'm honest, whilst things like bills, jobs and settling down are the things that should (and do) make me sad, ageing isn't a choice and I'm pretty happy to roll with it. Whilst my fear of getting to 25 and miraculously starting to love olives may come true, I'll also hopefully have a life that I'm proud of and student years I'm happy to look back on but let go of. After all, you can't hold on to student life forever! 

Aside from all the boring adulthood mumbojumbo that is expected to terrify us, what's something that makes you sad about becoming an adult? 

Though, remember this one very important thing...


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