Liebster Award

I was tagged by The Organised Penguin for the Liebster Award. The award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve acknowledgement and encouragement to continue blogging.

The rules are as follows:
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate. 
4. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog. 
5. Choose 5 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
6. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.

11 Facts About Me:
1. I've never been in an air port or on a plane, yet I'm still terrified of flying.
2. I would really love to travel, but there's a few things that hold me back - money being the main thing.
3. I think I'd be an awful parent.
4. I'm terribly messy, but when I do clean it's pretty immaculate.
5. I always wear my reading glasses when I'm hungover.
6. I hate romantic meals at a restaurant.
7. I'm really excited to get another tattoo, quite likely on my hip/thigh.
8. I wish I'd achieved more when I was younger.
9. I can't stop having lie-ins since coming to Keele.
10. I love it when people older than me read my blog and it makes them reminisce about their own uni days.
11. I'm the complete opposite of a commitaphobe.

11 Questions From The Organised Penguin:
1. When you were little what did you want to be when you were older?
A mechanic...*cringe*
2. What is your favourite room in your house and why?
The front room - because no one else is usually in there as much as I am, and I'm like Homer Simpson with a bum dent in my favourite spot of the sofa
3. What is your morning routine?
Wake up, check the time, go back to sleep, wake up again, shower, make up, hair, get dressed.
4. What beauty item can you not live without?
Liquid eye-liner - feel privileged if you ever see me without my famous flick
5. When do you find the time to blog?
Whenever possible, mostly in the evenings
6. Have you got any exciting holiday plans for 2013?
Unfortunately not as of yet, hopefully I will do!
7. What is your favourite season?
Summer - because Cornwall's the place to be in Summer...when it's actually sunny that is!
8. Do you iron?
Hell no! The lads in my block iron more than the girls do!
9. What of your children's toys do you enjoy playing with the most?
As I don't have any children I'll have to make this relevant to my niece and nephew and in that case...a moon bounce, or my niece's scooter.
10. Do you love or hate marmite?
I'm in the middle, it's a like of mine.
11. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Coco pops...yeah I'm about 5, but that stuff turns the milk chocolatey!

11 Questions From Life and Times of a Student:
1. What's your favourite meal?
2. Post the favourite photo you've ever taken, and why is it your favourite?
3. What's your favourite cocktail?
4. What's your favourite book?
5. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you love to go?
6. What's you essential wardrobe item?
7. What song would/did you have at your wedding?
8. Who's your favourite comedian?
9. What do you love most about where you live?
10. How did you choose your blog name?
11. Would you prefer to have a dog or a cat as your household pet?

Who I have nominated:
The Organised Penguin 
Courtney Likes Cupcakes
An Explorer's Guide
A Paige At A Time

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