Homeward Bound and Happy

It's finally here, though it has flown by, but it's the end of the first semester with just exams to look forward to in January.

I'm so happy to be going home, unlike most people, I haven't been home or seen a single member of my family or any of my friends, so I'm seriously excited. Especially after this week, it's been stressful, writing last minute essays about feminism and I've been so homesick and tired all week.

I've got a pretty long trip - I haven't exactly made it easier for myself either. It'll be around an eleven hour trip, with a two hour stop in Birmingham, which I can tell you I'm honestly terrified about. I'm not a city girl, I'm rubbish at making my way round them, and I hate getting taxis everywhere, but for the purpose of getting home, I'm going to have to deal with these minor issues.

I won't get back until the very early hours of Saturday morning - around half twelve I'm thinking - and the chances are I'll be too happy to walk into a house full of Christmas decorations and to have my family around and a good old television so I doubt I'll sleep until much later.

So Happy Christmas holidays everyone (: Hope all the uni students who are off home enjoy the relaxing before exams!

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